Credit Card Payment For Security Purposes, Customers themselves submit Credit Card Payment directly herein. Credit Card Details are Secure and Confidential.
Once payment processing is received, both Customer [You] and Vendor [MIDWEST METALS, INC.] will receive an email confirmation of the safe & secure charge to customer’s credit card through the payment automated system. Depending on the amount being charged, some payment transactions take longer to process than others and could further delay order processing.
Once the Accounting Department receives official payment confirmation, customer order will be processed. Official payment confirmation is not the same as initial payment processing transaction confirmation.
Important Note to Customer:
- There is an additional charge of 3.25% of order total, for each Credit Card Transaction, if card holder’s account is located within the USA and submitting payment with Visa, MasterCard, and Discover Cards.
- There is an additional charge of 6.5% of order total, for each Credit Card Transaction, if card holder’s account is located within the USA and submitting payment with American Express.
- All International Customers are to submit order payments via Bank Wire Transfer. No Exceptions.